Neurofeedback Brain Training

Neurofeedback Brain Training

Neurofeedback Brain Training

Join the millions of Neurofeedback users who enjoy the benefits of reduced stress, improved sleep, and relief from symptoms that used to hold them back.

Neurofeedback is a 100% non-invasive, drug-free brain training system that helps the central nervous system (CNS) make the best use of your brain’s natural resources and help you achieve a calmer, more well-balanced state of being. It has no known side effects. We have found Neurofeedback to be very helpful as an adjunct to talk therapy or on its own.

Neurofeedback can help with brain-based conditions

  • ADHD
  • Anxiety
  • OCD
  • PTSD
  • Phobias
  • Depression
  • Reading Disabilities
  • Addictions and Eating Disorders 

“Neurofeedback helps individuals tap into their brain’s innate capacity to self-regulate and heal.”

Siegfried Othmer

Common Questions About Neurofeedback

What is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is a 100% non-invasive, drug-free brain training system that helps the central nervous system (CNS) make the best use of your brain’s natural resources and help you achieve a calmer, more well-balanced state of being. It has no known side effects.

Neurofeedback training for the brain is similar to physical training for the body. Much of our suffering comes from pervasive, recurring thoughts and feelings in which our minds become emotionally stranded or cognitively “stuck.” Neurofeedback monitors your brain waves and provides “feedback” to your central nervous system about what it has just done. When the software detects a tremor in your brain wave pattern (indicative of a chaotic or unstable brain wave pattern), it sends an audible signal that encourages the brain to “reset” and self-correct.

Neurofeedback prompts the brain to draw from its existing resources and pull itself out of these mental “ruts.” The result can be a more open and positive mindset in which obstacles are more manageable and problems more resolvable.

What Can Neurofeedback Help With?

Because Neurofeedback helps the central nervous system improve regulation and work more efficiently, people who train their brains may notice positive impacts in a wide variety of seemingly unrelated areas of life including:

Improvement in Physical, Cognitive & Emotional Challenges

Early research indicates people who train with Neurofeedback may experience reductions in symptoms associated with ADHD, PTSD, Anxiety, Depression and Sleep Disorders. People also commonly report reduced chronic pain, improved sleep, reduced gastrointestinal distress, improved focus, a general sense of calm and well-being, and many other positive impacts.

Brain Fitness/Age Remediation

Just as physical exercise benefits the body, Neurofeedback training keeps the brain fit and resilient. Along with healthy lifestyle choices, Neurofeedback may help mediate the cognitive decline that naturally occurs as we age.

Peak Physical/Mental Performance

Athletes, performers, and public speakers appreciate the improved mental focus and physical performance Neurofeedback can provide. A growing number of Olympic and professional athletes use Neurofeedback to help them achieve their critical mental edge.

Improved Academic Performance

Because Neurofeedback training may enhance concentration and mental focus, students use Neurofeedback as a tool to improve their performance in school.

General Wellness

Neurofeedback encourages an overall positive mental outlook and a deeper understanding of the mind/body connection. Neurofeedback training can be an excellent supplement to a healthy diet and exercise routine.

Why Did We Pick Neuroptimal Neurofeedback?

Biofeedback has been around for almost 40 years, but the scarcity of a practical delivery system inhibited its use. In the past, a Neurofeedback interface would require a room full of computers and technicians. Today, we can use simple, interactive software that harnesses this powerful technology in a program called NeurOptimal®.

We extensively researched the different neurofeedback systems and chose to use NeurOptimal® neurofeedback for ourselves and our clients.

Learn Why:

1. NeurOptimal® was designed to work best with your individual brain. It does not attempt to “fix” predetermined conditions or pin down specific problems. This was a limitation in many earlier neurofeedback systems. Often, resolving one issue in one area could cause problems elsewhere. The heart of the NeurOptimal® system -Dynamical Neurofeedback®- is a proprietary technology based in neuroscience and specifically designed with the naturally non-linear function of the human brain in mind. NeurOptimal® is built to harness the incredibly dynamic nature of your brain in a way other systems cannot match. As a result, this neurofeedback system can effectively address many complaints without specifically “targeting” them from the outset of the training.

2. NeurOptimal® neurofeedback is extremely safe. Research shows your brain “knows best”; therefore, the NeurOptimal® brain training system does not force or “push” the brain in any direction. Dynamical Neurofeedback® provides your brain with the information it needs to correct itself and function optimally. NeurOptimal® enables your own brain’s natural process of self-correction.

3. NeurOptimal® requires no effort on the user’s part. Some brain training systems need the user to “interact” by playing games or solving puzzles during sessions. This additional level of interaction is unnecessary with the NeurOptimal® neurofeedback system. During a training session, you can relax and enjoy.

What Happens in a Neurofeedback Session?

Before getting started, one of our Neurofeedback trainers will meet with you one-on-one to answer your questions and determine if Neurofeedback may be a good fit for you. We may have you fill out a survey listing the complaints and challenges that have brought you into our office, or we will talk about what you hope to achieve with Neurofeedback training.

When you come for your first Neurofeedback session, you relax in a quiet and comfortable space. Your trainer will attach special sensors to your head to feed your brain wave patterns into the NeurOptimal® program’s software.

A neurofeedback training session is relaxing and enjoyable and lasts about 45 minutes. As the session starts, you will hear the music play and can also choose to watch relaxing geometric images gently morph across a screen, or you may relax and close your eyes if you prefer. You will hear occasional “skips” or interruptions in the music – this signal prompts your brain to “reset” and optimize itself.

You will most likely feel less stressed and more mentally clear at the end of a session. You will unlikely experience any negative after-effects as NeurOptimal® does not artificially “push” the brain in any specific direction and has no known side effects. Many users experience deeper sleep and vivid dreams after their first session.

Hear from our team

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There are two easy ways to connect with us. Call our office at 720-675-7123 and press “1” to be connected. Fill out the contact form to request an appointment or to learn more.

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