As we head into the New Year, a time when many resolve to be kinder to themselves, we thought that we would put together all of our self care articles so far, in one place. Many of these take under 5 minutes, try different exercises and see what works for you.

Introducing Our Self Care Series from Dr. Erin Jacklin, Psy.D., LCP. Erin dives into a bit about what stress is and how it affects us.




Mental Grounding Exercises from Dr. Katie Godfrey, Ph.D., LMFT. Katie shares several mental grounding techniques allowing you to gain control of your feelings and stay present.



Erin Staniszeski, LCSW explains her favorite go to self care technique, Resource Tapping.




Try the Grounding Tree Exercise from Dr. Lies van Bekkum, Psy.D., LCP.




Learn why Dr. Karmen Thulin, Psy.D., LCP recommends trying the Vagal Tone Exercise.




If you like getting outside, Dr. Chelsea Towler Campbell, Psy.D, LCP suggests Mindful Exercise.




Dr. Sarah Long, Psy.D., LCP explains the value in practicing Mindful Self-Compassion.




Dr. Lies van Bekkum, Psy.D., LCP recommends trying the Light Stream Exercise. This is a quick breathing technique to help you calm down when you don’t have much time to spare.



For those times when you are dealing with pain or tension, Mary Miller, LCSW, recommends the Pain and Tension Reduction Technique Using Color Imagery.



Dr. Erin Jacklin, Psy.D., LCP offers another quick breathing exercise you can do anywhere in under 5 minutes. Try this Abdominal Breathing technique.




Try Dual Attention Stimulus/Bilateral Stimulation from Dr. Joey Tadie, Ph.D. LCP.




Walking Meditation comes highly recommended from Dr. Courtney Klein, Psy.D., LCP.




When you are feeling out of control, the Dial Exercise from Kendra Doukas, LCSW is a great way to regain a sense of calm and re-centered.




Dr. Courtney Klein, Psy.D., LCP shares a 5 senses exercise centered around Mindful Eating.




Kendra Doukas, LCSW shares how Practicing Gratitude is a wonderful form of self care.




Try the Peaceful Place exercise from Dr. Joey Tadie, Ph.D., LCP. This is an especially adaptable and useful technique when you are feeling overwhelmed.




Dr. Erin Jacklin, Psy.D., LCP shares two simple Self Soothing Exercises to try in Part 1 and Part 2.




Kendra Doukas, LMFT shares a great self care activity, Be the Pond. This is a great one to try with your kids.




Lauren Jobe, LCSW shares her love of music as a form of self care in this activity, Channeling the Healing Power of Music.




Feeling anxious? Dr. Katie Godfrey, Ph.D, LMFT shares a few Calming Grounding Techniques.




Dr. Katie Godfrey, Ph.D, LMFT also shared a few simple Physical Grounding Techniques.




Dr. Joey Tadie, Ph.D., LCP shares the Leaves on a Stream exercise. This is a great one to use when you are having trouble focusing.




Dr. Erin Jacklin, Psy.D., LCP and Kendra Doukas, LMFT talk about the Stress Response System and offer simple Mindfulness Exercises to Help You Relax. 




Dr. Courtney Klein, PsyD, LCP shares 10 Strategies for Overcoming Challenging Emotional Climates




Try 6 Simple Soothing Activities recommended from Dr. Katie Godfrey, PhD, LMFT.




Dr. Katie Godfrey, PhD, LMFT also gives good advice on How to Find Time for Yourself in this self care post.




And why not take Dr. Sarah Long‘s advice and do some Coloring? It isn’t just for kids…






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