Mary Miller

Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Clinical Associate

Individual & Couples Therapy


  • Pregnancy and Postpartum
  • LGBTQ Affirming Therapy
  • College Students
  • Anxiety, Worry, and Panic
  • Depression, Bipolar, and Mood Disorders
  • Men’s Issues


Creating a Safe Space for Healing

Mary is known for creating a space where you feel so safe and comfortable that you are able to work through things that you didn’t know you were capable of getting through. In therapy with Mary, it feels like you can share anything to her. She has a gift for putting people at ease and helping you to go into those dark places that are driving you into therapy, but that you don’t really want to touch. She knows how to hold you in a safe place so you can do the hard work to get to the other side of this pain. Mary has the expertise you need to help you get there safely.

Specializing in Postpartum Concerns and Trauma

She is adept at helping new parents adjust to life with a baby, resolve postpartum mood and anxiety issues, and heal from traumatic birth experiences. Mary gets what it is like to have your world turned upside down after a new baby joins the family and can help you get on the right track to a healthy postpartum experience.

Mary is passionate about helping people get unstuck from disruptive patterns and beliefs. She has a specialization in trauma recovery and has sought out specialized training to hone her expertise. Trained in EMDR since 2014 with a specialization in treating PTSD and grief and loss, she has years of experience helping people to get through traumatic experiences and resume living life free from toxic stress.

Passion for Healing of  Community Trauma

Mary worked as a social worker in New Orleans in the post Katrina aftermath and with survivors of the Aurora shooting. She understands the ripple effects of trauma on a community. She knows that there are shared experiences that can shape people and whole communities. Through this work she has developed a deep understanding of the power of healing from trauma. She is passionate about helping you heal on an individual level and is inspired by the incredible positive ripple effects your healing can have on your relationships, and your entire community.

Hear from Mary

I think of therapy as this amazing place where you can press pause and reset your path. We can all get sucked into the grind of life. Over time you get into these patterns that don’t serve you and you can feel helpless about it. Then you get into the therapy room and, especially with the help of EMDR, you can press pause and look at those patterns and do something about them. In therapy you get a chance to look at the places where you get stuck. Doing this work can transform your entire life.

I hold both the individual and the global systemic perspective in mind whenever I am in the room with a client. I choose to be a social worker because of my interest in how individuals are shaped by and shape their communities. We don’t live in an isolated vacuum; your life is complex and interwoven with others and with the whole world. You impact the other people in your life and your choice to engage in healing has a huge ripple effect on your community and the whole world.

If you are ready to get past your past and move on with life, then reach out, I’d love to help.

~ Mary Miller, MSW, LSCW


  • 2008 Masters of Social Work, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA
  • 2005 Bachelor of Arts, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio

Advanced Training

  • 2017 Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Training, Grief and Loss Certification
  • 2015 Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Training, Complex PTSD Certification
  • 2014 Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Training, Basic Certification

Presentations, Research & Publications

November 2018, Wrote and presented a training on Community Trauma, EMDR and Survivors of Mass Shooting, which was offered to EMDR practioners in the community

Let’s Get Started!

Fill out the form to book an appointment with Mary Miller.

We are committed to helping you find a great fit with a therapist, which is why we offer every new client a FREE initial consultation.

There are two easy ways to connect with us. Call our office at 720-675-7123 and press “1” to be connected. Fill out the contact form to request an appointment or to learn more.

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