Babies don’t come with a user guide. We can help.
Join Our Coaching Group for Dads
Empowering fathers to be the best they can be
Take your Dad Game to the next level
Learn ways to reduce stress, optimize your parenting, and get connected with dads who get it. Groups are led by Dr. Joey Tadie and Dr. Lies van Bekkum and are open to expectant, new and veteran fathers looking for a boost.
Tuesdays from 12:00-1:00 PM
Call 720-675-7123 to learn more
We discuss the topics dads care about including:
- Being the kind of dad your kid can look up to
- Bonding with your baby
- Adjusting to new demands
- Navigating new and tricky situations with your partner
- Juggling work, parenting, in-laws, sex, sleep, diapers, feedings, etc.
$50 per session /$40 per session with pre-purchase of 10 sessions
The Catalyst Center 300 S. Jackson St. Suite 520, Denver, CO 80209
(2 blocks west of Colorado and Alameda)