Individual Therapy
Individual Therapy
At The Catalyst Center, we know great therapy is not “one-size-fits-all.” That is why we have chosen to specialize in the areas where we excel. When you choose a therapist at The Catalyst Center, you can rest assured that you are working with someone who has just the right expertise to meet your unique needs.
High-quality collaborative individual therapy is our passion. We know the genuine connection between client and therapist is a powerful catalyst for change. We believe therapy can be a powerful tool for reaching your personal goals and understanding yourself more fully.
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Meet The Therapists
Hannah Pitts, MSW, LCSW, RPT
Lauren Pinneo, MSW, LCSW, LAC
Dorothy Moon, PsyD, LCP
Katie Godfrey, PhD, LMFT
AJ Grovert, PsyD, LCP
Allison Kalivas, MA, MFTC
Adrienne Long, PMHNP-BC
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Our Ask a Therapist Blog Series
Is Therapy for Everyone?
What is Psychological Assessment for Anyway?
Let’s Get Started!
There are two easy ways to connect with us. Call our office at 720-675-7123 and press “1” to be connected. Fill out the contact form to request an appointment or to learn more.